touch 與 click 事件

製作完一個 swipe 專案之後發覺 click 事件會同時觸發 touch 事件,造成綁定同一個 dom 時觸發兩次,解決方式有幾種:

針對 click 與 touch 綁定不同的 dom

例如輪播可以針對箭頭按鈕綁定 click,輪播對象綁定 touch。

改用 mousedown & up 取代 click 事件

可以區分滑鼠的點擊事件使用 mouse 系列,與手指的點擊使用 touch 事件。

改用 pointer event



Fired when a pointer is moved into an element’s hit test boundaries.


Fired when a pointer is moved into the hit test boundaries of an element or one of its descendants,
including as a result of a pointerdown event from a device that does not support hover
當觸控進入指定區域或是子元素區域,及不支援 hover 的裝置上按壓時觸發.


Fired when a pointer becomes active buttons state.


Fired when a pointer changes coordinates.
This event is also used if the change in pointer state can not be reported by other events.
當手指按壓並移動時觸發,亦會使用在 pointer 狀態不為其他事件所察覺時.


Fired when a pointer is no longer active buttons state.


A browser fires this event if it concludes the pointer will no longer be able to generate events
(for example the related device is deactivated).
當裝置因設置關閉觸控等原因無法觸發 pointer 事件時,瀏覽器會偵測並觸發.


Fired for several reasons including: pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element;
firing the pointerup event for a device that does not support hover (see pointerup);
after firing the pointercancel event (see pointercancel); when a pen stylus leaves the hover range detectable by the digitizer.
當手指從裝置面板移開時觸發,亦會同時觸發 pointerup 事件;在 pointercancel 事件完成後也會觸發;當觸控筆離開裝置可偵測的範圍內也會觸發.


Fired when a pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element.
For pen devices, this event is fired when the stylus leaves the hover range detectable by the digitizer.
跟上面很像,只是不會觸發 pointerup;在 pointercancel 事件完成後不會觸發.

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